
In order to handle the grammar rule:

type            : ARRAY '[' integer_constant RANGE integer_constant ']' OF stype { $$ = $8 }
                | stype { $$ = $1 }

I need to pass up the type attribute (as I'm doing now) but I also need to pass up the range of the array in order to check array bounds. I've tried all kinds of ways to use a struct in order to achieve something like:

type            : ARRAY '[' integer_constant RANGE integer_constant ']' OF stype { $$.type = $8; $$.range[0] = $3; $$.range[1] = $5; }
                | stype { $$.type = $1 }

But everything leads to errors and segfaults and I'm having a tough time finding the correct way to handle this

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.

parse.y: http://pastebin.com/XUUqG35s


2 Answers


type and stype are declared to be the attr member of the union, which is of type node*. Consequently, in the context of an action for either of these non-terminals, $$ will be replaced with something like x.attr (that's just an illustration, don't take it too literally.). Similarly in the first action, $8 will be replaced with something like yystack[top-8].attr, because $8 also has the tag attr, being an stype.

So $$.type (or, indeed, $$.<anything>) must be a syntax error. attr is a pointer so it could be that $$-><something> is correct but I can't tell without seeing the definition of node.

Also, in the stype rules, you set, eg., $$ = "INT", but $$ is of type node*, not char* (unless, of course, node is a typedef for char, but that seems wrong.) It seems likely that eventually that will result in a segfault, when you later treat the value as a pointer to a node.

It's really not clear to me what you think $$.range might mean. Maybe you need to show more of your headers.


In addition to rici's answer and more directly answering the question in your title, multiple attributes are typically passed through a struct, so if you'd change the value associated with the type non-terminal to for example ctype (%type <ctype> type) and stype to type (%type <type> stype) (which I think was your intention) and then add the following to your %union

struct { int is_array, low, high; char * type; } ctype;

then you can change the definition of the type non-terminal to

:    ARRAY '[' integer_constant RANGE integer_constant ']' OF stype
     { $$.is_array = 1; $$.low = $3; $$.high = $5; $$.type = $8; }
|    stype
     { $$.is_array = 0; $$.low = $$.high = -1; $$.type = $1; }

Of course more changes have to be made to correctly handle the new ctype, but this is typically the way to propagate multiple attributes up the parser stack.