
While running a makefile in gcc 4.1.2 (linux 5), I got the following error

make: yacc: Command not found

By googling, I came to know that this error can be rectified by installing Bison-GNU parser generator. But even after installing Bison, I get the same error.

How can this error be solved?

What OS are you under? Sounds like some linux distro, but I'm not sure which. Also, that error is pretty self-explanatory: what happens when you run whereis yacc?zebediah49
the output of whereis yacc is yacc: /usr/share/man/man1p/yacc.1p.gzBlackforest
That's a compressed man page, not an executable.paxdiablo
That means that your $PATH does not include the yacc executable-- that's just its manual page. I'd suggest trying to find where yacc is, and finding why it's not on your $PATH. This is more of a ServerFault or SuperUser question BTW.zebediah49

4 Answers


Run the following command on your terminal to install bison, yacc executables and configurations.yacc comes along with bison

Also you need byacc for a full functional yacc

sudo apt-get install bison -y
sudo apt-get install byacc -y

It worked for me.


From the looks of things, your makefile is expecting a yacc executable to be available and either it's not, or it's not on your path.

Since bison is supposed to be compatible with yacc so the first thing I would try would be:

alias yacc="bison"

and try again. On my setup, /usr/bin/yacc is simply a script containing:

#! /bin/sh
exec '/usr/bin/bison' -y "$@"

You can try to locate the yacc or bison executables with the command (substituting bison for yacc if need be):

which yacc

But they're probably in one of the standard places like /bin or /usr/bin.


I ran into a similar issue on RHEL7.

Find where bison is:

$:which bison


Create symlink to bison from yacc:

sudo ln -s /bin/bison /bin/yacc

And that should solve the problem.


I created the alias file on my Ubuntu 16 system, while testing then I found that bison was missing so I installed bison which gave me an error about the link that I had made for /usr/bin/yacc, so the bison install creates the lnk file itself for yacc on Ubuntu 16.