I’m exploring ASP.NET MVC 4 these days. I will be pleased if someone can help by answering my question .
I am building an academic project "Project management and support system" . I have designed my own database , I have my own tables for the users in my database (two kinds of users : Employee who will execute tasks , and a client who assign/hire for tasks ) ,I was about creating a new membership provider but I realized that "It's a waste of time - reinventing the wheel".
Now , I am building a membership model on ASP.NET MVC4 using SimpleMembership (It's the future of membership services for MVC applications ).It provides a more concise membership provider to the ASP.NET framework, and supports OAuth additionally.
1- I created an out-of-the-box ASP.NET MVC 4 internet application to customize the Login, Signup and User management logic to maintain the user-profile table. I added three roles : Admin , Employee , Client
Going through this blogpost , I am able to customize the registration http://blog.longle.net/2012/09/25/seeding-users-and-roles-with-mvc4-simplemembershipprovider-simpleroleprovider-ef5-codefirst-and-custom-user-properties/
2- Now , I am working synchronize this table with the tables of the users that I have in my own database . Taking in consideration that I have added another field of "Account Type" Asking the user during the registration to create a specific profile .
Any help greatly appreciated.