I've been trying my best to search for more information on how to modify/extend/customize the default membership system available in MVC4 Internet Application (EF 5 Code First) in Visual Studio 2012 Express.
I would like to know how to implement email verification such that when a user registers an email is sent with an activation link. When they click on the link their account is activated and they can log in using their username or email.
I would also like to know how to implement simple Roles for registered users by assigning a default role during registration.
Similar Questions: How do I manage profiles using SimpleMembership?
How do you extend the SimpleMembership authentication in ASP.NET MVC4
But I would really like to work with the existing simplemembership system.
This post is quite close: http://blog.longle.net/2012/09/25/seeding-users-and-roles-with-mvc4-simplemembershipprovider-simpleroleprovider-ef5-codefirst-and-custom-user-properties/
I've also seen this post: http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2012/08/29/simplemembership-membership-providers-universal-providers-and-the-new-asp-net-4-5-web-forms-and-asp-net-mvc-4-templates.aspx
This is the closest I've found so far: http://weblogs.asp.net/thangchung/archive/2012/11/15/customize-the-simplemembership-in-asp-net-mvc-4-0.aspx
This is also useful but for WebPages: http://blog.osbornm.com/archive/2010/07/21/using-simplemembership-with-asp.net-webpages.aspx
I was hoping to find a more comprehensive walk-through on the proper way to extend it.