
I have Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (3.7) installed on Windows XP and I installed Google plugin and GWT SDK , but even though plugin shows up as installed, I still do not get an option File > New > Web Application Project as it should be. And no icon with 'g' in blue circle on toolbar. What am I missing?


Here is what I see on 'Plug-ins' tab in my Eclipse Installation Details screen:

Google App Engine Java SDK 1.7.6 Google Eclipse 3.7 Platform Plugin 3.2.2.v201303261859-r3l-r37 Google Eclipse Platform Plugin 3.2.2.v201303261859-r3l-r37 Google Eclipse Shared Platform Plugin 3.2.2.v201303261859-r3l-r37 Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.5.1

Maybe this can help: developers.google.com/eclipse/docs/faq#multiuser (don't know if Eclipse 3.7 is concerned)Thomas Broyer

3 Answers


Go to Eclipse Market Place --> Search For GWT Plugin --> Download Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7

It will take some time to download and install all the packages and plugins. But once it will be done, you will be able to see the google icon at the toolbar.

Also go through the following link. https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/usingeclipse


I had the same problen when following the GWT Tutorial and I fix the issue.

You can go:

Eclipse --> Help -->Install New Software --> Work with

Then paste, any of these urls but change indigo or helios for your eclipse IDE distribution

Indigo Update Site - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo/


Wait a moment and Eclipse will show you all options.

Check the option:

Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development

Then click the Next, Apply and Finish and restart your IDE to see the changes.

Is all.


You are probably missing Java 7 JDK.

Download and install the JDK from the above link, then follow these instructions to let Eclipse know where to find it.

After I installed Java 7, the GWT plugin buttons and menus finally appeared next time I started Eclipse.