I'm trying to setup a new gwt project in Eclipse (3.4 Ganymede) using maven with the codehause gwt-mave-plugin (v. 1.1).
I have installed the Google Eclipse Plugin including the Google App Engine Java SDK 1.2.2, the Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.4 and the Google Web Toolkit SDK 1.7.0.
I'm using the gwt-maven-plugin archetype to generate a sample project as specified here.
I have successfully generated the project files and imported them as a maven project into eclipse. I have then generated a launch script using mvn: gwt:eclipse as specified here: mojo.codehaus.org/gwt-maven-plugin/user-guide/hosted.html.
The genereated launch script gets recognized by the Google Eclipse Plugin which tries to launch it as a gwt app when right-clicking and choosing run. However, the app fails to start with the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/appengine/tools/development/DevAppServerMain
Does anyone know what I'm missing here? Any help or links to other resources of information would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Joakim