
I successfully added tomcat 6 in Eclipse

But, when i am running my project, error pop-up is coming as follows:

Port 8080 required by apache-tomcat-6.0.36 at localhost is already in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. To start this server you will need to stop the other process or change the port number(s).

When i open localhost:8080, glassfish server is opening

How do i resolve this issue?

have you tried renaming/changing the port?KyelJmD
Finally, i resolved my problem. I used 'nestst -a -n -o' Then, i checked the PID of process using port 8080, I killed that process using taskmanager. But, if anyone has a good way to achieve this. Please let me know.Phanindar
See my answer. That's what I told. Either kill the other process or change the port number for tomcat, so that both the servers can run in parallel.Rahul

3 Answers


Here both glassfish serves isrunning on the same port 8080.Tomcat default port is 8080.So change into another port.

 <Connector port="8080" protocol=".....
 change it to
  <Connector port="8888" protocol=".....

You can see this file in Tomcat 6.0\conf


Either kill your GlassFish server which is running or else, better, change the port number from 8080 to something else in your tomcat server.xml.

Something like this in your server.xml in the conf folder of tomcat installation directory.

<Connector port="8100" protocol="HTTP/1.1" ... />
                 ^^^^ --> Changed from 8080 to another port number.

In the server view (Window--> Show view --> Server) , you can change the port of the tomcat that eclipse is using:

enter image description here