For whatever reason outside of my own decision making, we got Golang installed on our dev VMs by Debian packages. This particular distribution of vim doesn't come with any of the goodies for vim as far as I was able to tell from a search around for it. Anyways, I decided to go the vundle route in order to rapidly deploy the goodies to all these dev VMs. You could probably work this method into puppet or something if you'd like, we didn't do that though. Anyways, here's what I did:
Step 1: Install vundle:
Step 2: put this line in your .vimrc (It's from here, of course: ), and then run vim from the command line like vim +BundleInstall +qall
or from within vim with :BundleInstall
Bundle 'jnwhiteh/vim-golang'
Step 3: Save this little bash script I whipped up as or whatever, chmod +x
, and run it like ./
Script as follows:
mkdir $HOME/.vim/ftdetect
mkdir $HOME/.vim/syntax
mkdir $HOME/.vim/autoload
mkdir $HOME/.vim/autoload/go
mkdir $HOME/.vim/ftplugin
mkdir $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/go
mkdir $HOME/.vim/indent
mkdir $HOME/.vim/compiler
mkdir $HOME/.vim/plugin
mkdir $HOME/.vim/plugin/godoc
ln -s $HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-golang/ftdetect/gofiletype.vim $HOME/.vim/ftdetect
ln -s $HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-golang/syntax/go.vim $HOME/.vim/syntax/
ln -s $HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-golang/autoload/go/complete.vim $HOME/.vim/autoload/go/
ln -s $HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-golang/ftplugin/go.vim $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/
ln -s $HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-golang/ftplugin/go/*.vim $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/go/
ln -s $HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-golang/indent/go.vim $HOME/.vim/indent/
ln -s $HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-golang/compiler/go.vim $HOME/.vim/compiler/
ln -s $HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-golang/plugin/godoc/godoc.vim $HOME/.vim/plugin/godoc/
ln -s $HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-golang/syntax/godoc.vim $HOME/.vim/syntax/
Kaching! You now have all the goodies installed, and someone correct me if I'm wrong on this but perhaps more than what comes with the official Golang distribution. I don't know about this either having not tried it yet, but I think that the runtimepath/rtp gets clobbered if you use Vundle with the other answers here anyways.
file under{go}/misc/vim
– Louis Maddox