I want to write a function in Ocaml that given a list of quadruples and a quadruple (x,y,z,f), returns a list of that contains the tuples (x',y',z',g) such that x = x' or y=y' or z = z' (these are integers). Here is my first attempt
let rec constrained_by c list =
match s with
| []-> []
| hd :: tl ->
let Cell(x,y,r,_)= c in (*warning*)
match hd with
| Cell(x,_,_,Some(_))-> hd::constrained_by c tl
| Cell(_, y, _,Some(_)) -> hd::constrained_by c tl
| Cell(_, _, r,Some(_)) -> hd::constrained_by c tl
| _ -> constrained_by c tl
Problem: When it is called, it returns the original list no matter what quadruple we are matching. Moreover, the problem is it returns warning that x,y, r at line (warning) are unused.