Hi I have multi project gradle setup
All works great but one thing drives me crazy. In my build script:
defaultTasks 'build' <- this works just fine
task buildroom (description: 'This task is invoked by build room script, invokes default task plus publishes artifacts') {
// dependsOn('build') <-- this doesn't work
// alternative
when i call from command line 'gradlew' <- default task gets executed
when i call from command line 'gradlew tasks' <- task under 'all task runnable from root project' i see 'build'
but when i try to add dependsOn('build'), dependsOn(':build') or dependsOn(':root:build') it tells me
What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':tasks'.
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':buildroom'.
'base' plugin adds 'assemble', and 'clean' task but not build...
any tips?