I have a datset which starts similar to the following:
year month daynum hour depth wtemp
1989 5 136 0 0.01 14.32
1989 5 136 0 0.5 14.32
1989 5 136 0 1 13.52
1989 5 136 0 2 12.31
1989 5 136 0 3 10.16
1989 5 136 0 4 8.61
1989 5 136 0 6 6.86
1989 5 136 0 8 6.03
1989 5 136 0 10 5.45
1989 5 136 1 0.01 13.38
1989 5 136 1 0.5 13.41
1989 5 136 1 1 13.12
1989 5 136 1 2 10.88
1989 5 136 1 3 10.09
1989 5 136 1 4 9.09
1989 5 136 1 6 7.24
1989 5 136 1 8 6.45
1989 5 136 1 10 5.67
1989 5 136 2 0.01 13.2
1989 5 136 2 0.5 13.24
1989 5 136 2 1 13.24
1989 5 136 2 2 11.07
1989 5 136 2 3 10.14
1989 5 136 2 4 9.02
1989 5 136 2 6 7.23
1989 5 136 2 8 6.23
1989 5 136 2 10 5.59
1989 5 136 3 0.01 13.11
1989 5 136 3 0.5 13.15
1989 5 136 3 1 13.11
1989 5 136 3 2 11.26
1989 5 136 3 3 10.25
1989 5 136 3 4 9.2
1989 5 136 3 6 6.99
1989 5 136 3 8 5.96
1989 5 136 3 10 5.5
This data set contains over 1,000,000 rows of data. when I import the data into matlab I am left with this structure (although without the headers). I would like to know how I could return the indices for the minimum and maximum depth (i.e. column 5) for each individual time period?
The answer in this case would be something like:
and so on.
Keep in mind that the number of measurements and therefore the number of depths will vary throughout the period of investigation, therefore I will have to use the information in year, month, daynum, hour, and depth.
The main aim here is to build a matrix which contains only the temperature recorded at the minimal and maximum depth for each hour.
So far I have tried (data is the name of the matrix):
[~,~,b] = unique(data(:,1:4),'rows');
MaxMin_temp = [abs(accumarray(b,data(:,end),[],@min)), abs(accumarray(b,data(:,end),[],@max))];
which returns the temperature at the minimum and maximum depth for each individual day. From this I was hoping of a more sophisticated way of obtaining the entire columns for these values.