I have an excel worksheet with several entries of column data. The data is arranged in pairs such that the first column contains dates and the second contains time series data corresponding to that date. So for example time series 1 will be in columns A and B where is is the dates and B is the data. Column C is blank before columns D and E contain the entries for time series 2 and so on and so forth... How do I merge these into a single file in Matlab where the dates match up? Specifically I would want the first column to contain the dates and the other columns to contain the data. I have tried to do this with fts and merge functions but so far failed..
1 Answers
You could grab the dates like this: dates = [raw{:,1}]'
and the data like this data = reshape([raw{:, 2:3:end}]', size(raw,1), []);
to get normal matlab matrices in case you want to manipulate them in matlab.
Otherwise if you just want to send them straight back to excel then:
data = [raw(:,1) reshape(raw(:, 2:3:end)];
xlswrite(...blablafilename_etc..., data);
But in this case you should have use a VBA macro :/
? Can you should some code or describe your importing process? – Dan