
I want to be able to search for a package and get a download link as well as a list of all the dependencies. Is there an easy way to do this through the command line or a Haskell module?


2 Answers


cabal (available from the cabal-install package, if you don't already have it) can do this. I'll shamelessly use my just-released universe package as a running example. For searching:

sorghum:~% cabal list universe
* universe
    Synopsis: Classes for types where we know all the values
    Default available version: 0.0
    Installed versions: 0.0
    License:  BSD3

* universe-th
    Synopsis: Construct a Dec's ancestor list.
    Default available version:
    Installed versions: [ Not installed ]
    Homepage: http://github.com/jfishcoff/universe-th
    License:  BSD3

For dependency information:

sorghum:~% cabal info universe
* universe         (library)
    Synopsis:      Classes for types where we know all the values
    Versions available: 0.0
    Versions installed: 0.0
    Homepage:      [ Not specified ]
    Bug reports:   [ Not specified ]
    Description:   A small package, in the spirit of data-default, which allows
                   the munging of finite and recursively enumerable types
    Category:      Data
    License:       BSD3
    Author:        Daniel Wagner
    Maintainer:    [email protected]
    Source repo:   [ Not specified ]
    Dependencies:  base ==4.*, void >=0.1 && <0.6
    Documentation: /home/dmwit/.cabal/x86_64/share/doc/universe-0.0/html
    Cached:        No

To download and unpack:

sorghum:~% cabal unpack universe
Downloading universe-0.0...
Unpacking to universe-0.0/

You can also just download without unpacking with cabal fetch, for which you may enjoy the --no-dependencies flag (or then again maybe not).


AFAIK the current hackage doesn't have it. But the new one has some basic API calls. Most of them returns html, but some of them returns JSON representation.