I have a question that have been on my mind for several time now: how should I prepare the images that I am going to use on a website to be retina-ready?
Yes, I have been spending hours on the interweb on this topic, but so far I haven't find the one 'ultimate answer'.
In this thread for example (link: image size for retina display), it is only mentioned that I need to double the dimensions. But how about the resolution?
Real life situation: an image is created using Photoshop (or whatever your fix) at dimension 400px x 200px, with resolution of 72 ppi.
How should I modify this image?
- 800 x 400px at 72 ppi (just resize it, times two)
- 800 x 400px at 144 ppi (dimensions and resolution times two)
- 400 x 200px at 144 ppi (just double the resolution)
- 400 x 200px at 246 ppi (same dimension, higher resolution --I got the number 246 from some tutorial in designing ipad wallpaper)
- ...et cetera... ??
The target is to select the images and display them on both non-retina and retina displays (i.e. 'normal' computers / laptops, macs (both versions, retina and non), iDevices, Androids, et cetera)
Looking forward for any feedbacks :-)