OK, I want to try this:
Make two cars (with sprites: e.g. red rectangle for car 1 texture, green rectangle for car 2 texture). With width: 32px and height: 20px. (Movement of the cars are not the problem)
Then check collision detection like in the picture. The first is front crash and the second is side crash. collision http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/2934/rectangles2.png
Then delete the sprites and only hold the vectors in the code. (position and rotation) I want it so, because I want to add 3d Cars at these positions with his rotations. I mean, Collision detection without sprites in 2d.
In the end game, there will be no sprites. Only 3d Objects.
Anybody has some codes for that?
I want to make it without Box2D. But when there is a good box 2d example. Then I can make it with box2d.
Thank You for any help.