
In IBM Websphere for IPC, we have something called as Wiring which allows us to switch to the receiving portlet page in case you have your event receiving portlet to be on different page than that of source portlet.

I am wondering if there is any way to achieve this in Liferay.

I have also followed the link: Using JSR-268 IPC for portlets on different pages in Liferay but not clear about application-context.xml as I have created a simple Liferay plugin-portlet-project from Eclipse.

I'm not familiar with WP's wiring, but isn't it inherently ambiguous what "the receiving portlet page" is - e.g. this needs to be plural, right? An event can be handled by any number of portlets, they can be on any number of pages. For this reason I prefer to have a more explicit handling of the redirection, but that might not be what you're asking for(?)Olaf Kock
Hi Olaf, I am curious to know whether following functionality is possible with Liferay or not: Say if I have portlet X showing some info and publishing event and portlet Y which will receive that event but it is on another page. On portlet x, I have one link on click of which event will get triggered and the page containing portlet Y will be opened receiving event. In IBM Websphere, you can define target and receiver whose mapping is stored in DB. So when I click on link in portlet X it fires event and takes me to page containing portlet Y Thanks.suyash
I don't know about Websphere, but in Liferay a portlet can reside on more than one page. This means that you don't target a portlet but a portlet-on-a-page.p.mesotten

2 Answers


Yes it is possible. You just need to pass the Layout id, portlet id along with your parameters.

<liferay-renderURL var="varLink" plId="layout-id" portletName="portletName_WAR_WarName"/>

Wiring is Websphere Portal's concept. Liferay is not supporting Wiring, but you can do Inter-portlet communication using public render parameters & portlet events ( in case of ACTION->View IPC).

In case when you need (VIEW->VIEW) IPC, you can use liferay's session sharing mechanism. More details on my blog https://rutvijshah.wordpress.com/2009/12/13/liferay-session-sharing-made-easy/