Actually I am trying to share the data between 2 portlets in a 2 different plugin projects
Below are the steps I followed to share the data :
Step1: Create liferay plugin project named as Senderproj and created one portlet under Senderport then write below code in doView method
PortletSession session=req.getPortletSession();
String s="naresh";
step2: Create liferay plugin project named as Receiverproj and created one portlet named as Receiverport then write below code in doView method
PortletSession ps = req.getPortletSession();
String tabName = (String)ps.getAttribute("gates",PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
System.out.println("this is from doView of ipc receiver portlet"+tabName);
Step 3: I added the property in liferay-portlet.xml like below
When I drop two portlet in a portal page I got session value null in Receiverport.
can any one help out