
Hello i have a problem with remote debugging in Visual Studio (v12) I Created windows azure account i published application to the cloud. Then i connected to this account through remote desktop. Address of remote computer is f.e Iron.app.net Then i downloaded there and run remote debugger. I started msvsmon.exe and it created server named: RD0015555E2:555 And now i would like to remote debugging in my host. i know i must attach to process. And i do it. From Visual Studio: Debug->attach to process->Qualifier:RD0015555E2 and it cannot resolve host name. i also tried Iron.app.net but then it shows error that it seems that msvsmon is not installed. I dont know what should i type into Qualifier (as remote machine)?


1 Answers


Remote debugging is tricky to configure Windows Azure Cloud Services. Other options that you have are:

Chose either, and watch your logs/traces.

Or deep dive into Remote Debugging Cloud Services. I would, however use Remote Debugging as a final option, when everything else does not work and does not help me. Typically most of the issues that would pop in the cloud will also pop in when debugging locally. And if role is just recycling, you will not be able to attach debugger at all.