I'm writing a batch file to run some builds using Visual C++. I would like to "undo" the vsvars32.bat/vcvarsXX.bat changes at the end of the script so that I leave the environment unchanged from before the script ran.
Example 1 - using vsvars32.bat
call %VS100COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat
devenv myProject.sln /Build "Debug|Win32"
:: Now undo vsvars32.bat
Example 2 - using vcvars32.bat and vcvars64.bat
<path to VC bin>vcvars32.bat
:: cmd line build calls for 32 bit application
:: Now undo vcvars32.bat
<path to VC bin>amd64\vcvars64.bat
:: cmd line build calls for 64 bit application
:: Now undo vcvars64.bat
Any suggestions?