I've a problem using the method addchild adding sprites
previously I've never had this problem and I could add png files without problems,now sometimes if I try to add some sprites to the scene using the addchild method I receive these errors:
[2126:15503] cocos2d: CCTexture2D. Can't create Texture. cgImage is nil
[2126:15503] cocos2d: Couldn't add image:image_1.png in CCTextureCache
[2126:15503] * Assertion failure in -[HelloWorldLayer addChild:]
I think that the problem isn't in the code because if I try to add sprites using the images included in the default Cocos2d project it works... I receive this error only from some images...also if I've added it by the same way to the project and to the scene, what could be the cause?
I receive this error also using the default helloWorldLayer class, without changing anything, only adding
CCSprite * sprite = [CCSprite SpriteWithFile: @"image_1.png"];
[self addChild:sprite];
the rest of the code is exactly the same of the default HelloWorldLayer class there could be something that might cause this error in some png files?