I read all answers to the same question and am not any clearer on which one I should use for my usecase and why. Both return the same result. I understand that "FilterQuery would be cached making the overall query time faster", like someone correctly answered.
I also understand that "filtering also allows tagging of facets, so you can tag facets to include all facets that are returned for your query", like someone else also correctly answered.
What I don't understand reading this, is why then anyone would use Q, since FQ seems to be so much better, based on all the answers and books I've seen.
Except, I'm sure there's probably a reason that both exist.
What I would like is to figure out what's best for my use case - the documentation is sorely lacking in useful examples.
- My documents have: date, client, report, and some other fields
- 1 business date = 3.5 million documents.
- The total count of documents is 250 million and counting (60 dates * 8000 clients * 1000s of reports )
- I facet on date, client, report, and I do use tagging of facets.
- The UI overall looks like any e-commerce site, example: Amazon, with facets on the left.
- Scoring is not used.
Business rule #1: date must always be present in every query.
Business rule #2: 99% of queries are going to use the LATEST date, but RANDOM client and random report.
A Fact: We determined that it’s faceting that is slow, not searching.
Given this search criteria, and these ways to write a query:
A) q=date:20130214 AND client:Joe & facet.field=date & facet.field=client...
B) q=date:20130214 & fq=client:Joe & facet.field=date & facet.field=client...
C) q=client:Joe & fq= date:20130214 & facet.field=date & facet.field=client...
D) q=*:* & fq=date:20130214 & fq=client:Joe & facet.field=date & facet.field=client...
- which of the above do you think would be best and why ? Remember, most queries are going to run against 20130214
- in FQ filtering done first, and then Q condition applied, or the other way around?
Today, I have D) is used in all cases, but I suspect this is wrong and is causing OOMs in Solr(version 3.6).
Thank you for your help!