This question is a follow up to this question about infrequent, isolated read timeouts in a solr installation.
As a possible problem missing / bad autowarming queries for new searchers were found.
Now I am confused about how good autowarming queries should "look like".
I read up but couldnt find any good documentation on this.
Should they hit a lot of documents in the index? Or should they have matches in all distinct fields that exist in the index?
Wouldnt just *:*
be the best autowarming query or why not?
The example solr config has theese sample queries in it:
<lst><str name="q">solr</str> <str name="start">0</str> <str name="rows">10</str></lst>
<lst><str name="q">rocks</str> <str name="start">0</str> <str name="rows">10</str></lst>
I changed them to:
<lst><str name="q">george</str> <str name="start">0</str> <str name="rows">10</str></lst>
Why? Because the index holds film entities with fields for titles and actors. Those are the most searched ones. And george appears in titles and actors.
I don't really know whether this makes sense. So my question is:
- What would be good autowarming queries for my index and why?
- What makes a good autowarming query?
This is an example document from the index. The index has about 70,000 documents and they all look like this (only different values of course): example document:
<arr name="actor"><str>Tommy Lee Jones</str><str>Will Smith</str><str>Rip Torn</str>
<str>Lara Flynn Boyle</str><str>Johnny Knoxville</str><str>Rosario Dawson</str><str>Tony Shalhoub</str>
<str>Patrick Warburton</str><str>Jack Kehler</str><str>David Cross</str><str>Colombe Jacobsen-Derstine</str>
<str>Peter Spellos</str><str>Michael Rivkin</str><str>Michael Bailey Smith</str><str>Lenny Venito</str>
<str>Howard Spiegel</str><str>Alpheus Merchant</str><str>Jay Johnston</str><str>Joel McKinnon Miller</str>
<str>Derek Cecil</str></arr>
<arr name="affiliate"><str>amazon</str></arr>
<arr name="aka_title"><str>Men in Black II</str><str>MIB 2</str><str>MIIB</str>
<str>Men in Black 2</str><str>Men in black II (Hombres de negro II)</str><str>Hombres de negro II</str><str>Hommes en noir II</str></arr>
<bool name="blockbuster">false</bool>
<arr name="country"><str>US</str></arr>
<str name="description">Agent J (Will Smith) muss die Erde wieder vor einigem Abschaum bewahren, denn in Gestalt des verführerischen Dessous-Models Serleena (Lara Flynn Boyle) will ein Alien den Planeten unterjochen. Dabei benötigt J die Hilfe seines alten Partners Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones). Der wurde aber bei seiner "Entlassung" geblitzdingst, und so muß J seine Erinnerung erst mal etwas auffrischen bevor es auf die Jagd gehen kann.</str>
<arr name="director"><str>Barry Sonnenfeld</str></arr>
<int name="film_id">120912</int>
<arr name="genre"><str>Action</str><str>Komödie</str><str>Science Fiction</str></arr>
<str name="id">120912</str>
<str name="image_url">/media/search/filmcovers/105x/kf/false/F6Q1XW.jpg</str>
<int name="imdb_id">120912</int>
<date name="last_modified">2011-03-01T18:51:35.903Z</date>
<str name="locale_title">Men in Black II</str>
<int name="malus">3238</int>
<int name="parent_id">0</int>
<arr name="product_dvd"><str>amazon</str></arr>
<arr name="product_type"><str>dvd</str></arr>
<int name="rating">49</int>
<str name="sort_title">meninblack</str>
<int name="type">1</int>
<str name="url">/film/Men-in-Black-II-Barry-Sonnenfeld-Tommy-Lee-Jones-F6Q1XW/</str>
<int name="year">2002</int>
Most queries are exact match queries on actor fields with some filters in place.
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/select/ params={facet=true&sort=score+asc,+malus+asc,+year+desc&hl.simple.pre=starthl&hl=true&version=2.2&fl=*,score&facet.query=year:[1900+TO+1950]&facet.query=year:[1951+TO+1980]&facet.query=year:[1981+TO+1990]&facet.query=year:[1991+TO+2000]&facet.query=year:[2001+TO+2011]&bf=div(sub(10000,malus),100)^10&^0.1&^5&start=0&q="Josi+Kleinpeter"&ps=3} hits=1 status=0 QTime=4