I have several spreadsheets that collect data from multiple/different forms and I can run a script bound to that spreadsheet based on form submit. However, what I would like to do is to have the script of the form spreadsheet access and run the script of a main spreadsheet. The main spreadsheet collects and processes data from several different forms. It seems that using a trigger in the main spreadsheet based onEdit only applies when a user is actually editing, not when another spreadsheet writes data to it. Thanks for your time.
1 Answers
Take a look at this answer. It seems
OnEdit trigger is intended to work when an actual user edits a spreadsheet
If each of these other sheets is just adding a row to the main sheet, you can create a way that the main sheet keeps track of how many rows it knows are there. Then you set up a cron that runs every X minutes, checks if there are new rows, and does what it needs to on those.