I have a large number of simple spreadsheets (each shared with a different agent), and one large "management" spreadsheet that is used to interface with all of them.
When adding a new agent, I use a script (bound to the management-spreadsheet), to copy and rename a template-spreadsheet. The template-spreadsheet has an onEdit trigger which is not copied to the new instance. When I try to add it after copying (see script below), it is added to the management-spreadsheet instead of the new spreadsheet.
function NewAgent(filename) {
// create new spreadsheet from template
var folder = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(AgentFolder).next();
var tmplt = DriveApp.getFilesByName(AgentTemplate);
var newfile = tmplt.next().makeCopy(filename, folder );
var newspread = SpreadsheetApp.openById( newfile.getId() );
The function MyFunction
is bound to the template (and also appears in the script bound to the new spreadsheet).
The function NewAgent
is, as stated bound to the management script.
The result is that the trigger is added to the management-spreadsheet...