Something I can't seem to find the answer for. Please bare in mind I am not an expert so I may be missing simple, perhaps how I'm printing the device I want. I am trying to store a device version number (dvm from herein), off a USB device. The problem is the USB device has two columns for reporting, feature and output.
So when I print the device I receive two sets of print statements.
#def device(target_usage, target_vendor_id):
hidDevice = False
all_devices = hid.HidDeviceFilter(vendor_id = target_vendor_id).get_devices()
print "\n", all_devices
if len(all_devices) == 0:
# Exit if no devices found, report error.
hidDevice = False
print "No devices can be detected, please check device is connected."
elif len(all_devices) > 2:
# announce there are more than 1 device connected to prevent conflicting upgrades
hidDevice = True
print "Too many devices connected, ensure the only device connected is the device needed to test."
# loop through all devices
for device in all_devices:
# print device details
device_name = unicode("=== INFO: Found %s %s (vID=[%04x], pID=[%04x], version number [%04x]) ===" % \
(device.vendor_name, device.product_name, device.vendor_id, device.product_id, device.version_number))
dvm = unicode("%04x" % \
print dvm;
print device_name;
hidDevice = True
return hidDevice
When this function is called it will print all devices but I end up with the following result (Modified pids/vids etc for privacy issues.)
[HID device (vID=0x0000, pID=0x0000, v=0x0000); Make; Model, Path: \?\hid#vid_0000&pid_0000&col01#7&00000000&1&0000#{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}, HID device (vID=0x0000, pID=0x0000, v=0x0000); Make; Model, Path: \?\hid#vid_0000&pid_0000&col02#7&00000000&1&0000#{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
The important part is the col01 and col02.
How can I filter that second enumerated HID device out?