I am trying to figure out how to use clojure to efficiently apply a simple operation to a large sequence in parallel. I would like to be able to use the parallel solution to take advantage of the multiple cores on my machine to achieve some speedup.
I am attempting to use pmap in combination with partition-all to reduce the overhead of creating a future for every item in the input seq. Unfortunately, partition-all forces the complete evaluation of each partition seq. This causes an OutOfMemoryError on my machine.
(defn sum [vs]
(reduce + vs))
(def workers
(+ 2 (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors)))
[n 80000000
vs (range n)]
(time (sum vs))
(time (sum (pmap sum (partition-all (long (/ n workers)) vs)))))
How can I apply sum to a large input set, and beat the performance of the serial implementation?
Thanks to @Arthur Ulfeldt for pointing out the reducers library. Here is the solution using reducers. This code shows the expected performance improvement when running on a multi-core machine. (NOTE: I have changed vs to be a function to make the timing be more accurate)
(require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
[n 80000000
vs #(range n)]
(time (reduce + (vs)))
(time (r/fold + (vs)))
(partition-all workers vs)
creates(/ n workers)
sequences of lengthworkers
. Don't you want(partition-all (long (/ n workers)) vs)
? – A. Webb