I would like to "chunk" a seq into subseqs the same as partition-by, except that the function is not applied to each individual element, but to a range of elements.
So, for example:
(gather (fn [a b] (> (- b a) 2))
[1 4 5 8 9 10 15 20 21])
would result in:
[[1] [4 5] [8 9 10] [15] [20 21]]
(defn f [a b] (> (- b a) 2))
(gather f [1 2 3 4]) ;; => [[1 2 3] [4]]
(gather f [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]) ;; => [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]]
The idea is that I apply the start of the list and the next element to the function, and if the function returns true we partition the current head of the list up to that point into a new partition.
I've written this:
(defn gather
[pred? lst]
(loop [acc [] cur [] l lst]
(let [a (first cur)
b (first l)
nxt (conj cur b)
rst (rest l)]
(empty? l) (conj acc cur)
(empty? cur) (recur acc nxt rst)
((complement pred?) a b) (recur acc nxt rst)
:else (recur (conj acc cur) [b] rst)))))
and it works, but I know there's a simpler way. My question is:
Is there a built in function to do this where this function would be unnecessary? If not, is there a more idiomatic (or simpler) solution that I have overlooked? Something combining reduce and take-while?