I've been trying to use XNA framework along with Visual Studio 2012. Since the xna framework is not yet compatible with Visual Studio 2012 I had to set it manualy. Yet, I managed to succesfully import xna references and create default game methods allowing me to run my program.
The problem came when I tried to add texture to my project and load it. I manually created a "Content" folder in which I added my textures following msdn documentation at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/bb313966(v=xnagamestudio.30).aspx
The problem is, since it's not XNA game project I wont have the properties window showing my texture file as a texture but just as a resource file. And the following code:
Will systematically lead to an error file not found.
I've set my ContentManger
as it follows:
ContentManager.RootDirectory = "Content";
Does anyone know how to properly set the content folder ?