I am working on a legacy CakePHP 1.3 app and while I have years of experience with PHP, I am still finding my feet with CakePHP. I am following Chapter 4 'How to use the bakery' in Jamie Munro's Rapid Application Development with CakePHP, however the steps he suggests do not seem to go the way I'd expect them too.
I feel a good way of explaining this is going through the steps involved:
Following the books 'Hello World' example outlined in earlier chapters, I have setup a basic CakePHP app at this location on my machine: /home/public_html/helloworld.local. I can see the 'Hello World' example in a web browser on my local machine when I access:
Chapter 4 suggests that I move to this directory:
I then run:
./cake bake
I get prompted to enter the location of the app and I add:
I then proceed to select defaults for the next few selections and there are no problems until I run into the line:
Your database configuration was not found. Take a moment to create one.
I do not understand this since there is a database file configured in ~/public_html/helloworld.local/app/config/database.php, and when I access the helloworld app outlined earlier (available on my local machine at http://helloworld.local/users/add
), there is a database connection successfully established and records can be inserted.
I have also tried re-entering my database details when offered the chance to by cake bake, but end up with the error after succesfully adding the correct details:
Fatal error: Class 'DATABASE_CONFIG' not found in /home/public_html/helloworld.local/cake/console/libs/tasks/db_config.php on line 260
But either way, it should have found the existing database connection details, so not sure what is going on.