I have developed a application in CakePHP, and setup a cron Job with Shell. I have hosted the application in our development server, bluehost and setup the cron Job and its working fine.
The cron Job Command was,
/home4/enventur/public_html/pennystock/cake/console/cake -app "/home4/enventur/public_html/pennystock/app" message_board_counts
When I moved to the live server, Godaddy, and setup the cron Job its not working
/web/cgi-bin/php $HOME/html/pennystock/cake/console/cake -app "$HOME/html/PennyStock/app" message_board_counts
Also tried the below patterns,
$HOME/html/pennystock/cake/console/cake -app "$HOME/html/PennyStock/app" message_board_counts
Can anyone help me to solve this issue?
Thanks in Advance