I've been reading tons of articles and forums but I still can't figure it out... I'm building an internet application using Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web, with MVC4+Razor+Entity Framework CodeFirst.
As far as I understand, managing users and roles in MVC4 with SimpleMembership is more straightforward than it was in previous versions and should be fairly simple.
In my application, I need to authorize only certain groups of users (e.g., only admins can access certain pages). I understand that's made by passing a parameter to the [Authorize] annotation: [Authorize(Roles="Admins")] But how do I create those roles and how do I add users to them?
In order to require authentication I added the annotation [Authorize] (with no parameters) on top of a controller method and it worked without having made any extra configurations or adding anything else. Also, when I take a look at the database that was automatically created, I see a table named webpages_UsersInRoles, with columns UserId and RoleId. All of this makes me think this has to be a pretty simple task since all seems set up and ready to be used, but I just can't figure out how ;)
What I've tried so far (and it didn't work) was this: I have a "DataContextDbInitializer" class that inherits from DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges. The Seed method is overriden inside that class, and I added this (I had to import System.Web.Security):
Membership.CreateUser("user1", "123456");
Roles.AddUserToRole("user1", "Admins");
I also inserted this tag in the tag of the Web.config file:
cacheRolesInCookie="true" >
To try it out I added [Authorize(Roles="Admins")] on top of an action method in a controller, and then logged in as "admin" and tried to access that method, but no luck :(
I don't know what else I'm missing... I'd be really happy if anyone could guide me through this, since it's driving me insane :P