First of all you should know that you need to do some more "Behavioral Diagrams" that show what should happen on the system, to give a deeper understand about how to design the "Structure Diagrams" which describe the system more technically if I should say. Example of behavioral diagrams are Use Case diagrams and Sequence diagrams.
Structure diagrams show the things in a system being modeled. In a
more technical term they show different objects in a system.
Behavioral diagrams shows what should happen in a system. They
describe how the objects interact with each other to create a
functioning system.
Then we have to go through your question, "Class Diagram", in brief
Class diagrams show the
classes in a system, attributes and operations of each class and the
relationship between each class. In most modeling tools a class has
three parts, name at the top, attributes in the middle and operations
or methods at the bottom. Different
relationships between diagrams are show by different types of Arrows.
As an example
│ Users │
│id: int |
|username: String |
|password: String |
|email: String |
|forum_notification: bool |
|+logIn() |
|+logOut() |
|+Reqigster() |
|+CreateTopic() |
|+EditTopic() |
|+AddNewPost() |
|+EditPost() |
|+DeletePost() |
|+SendMessage() |
|+ReportIssue() |
| ..1
| 0..*
│ Posts │
│id: int |
|category_id: int |
|topic_id: int |
|post_creator: int |
|post_content: String |
|post_date: DateTime |
|+PostDelete() |
|+PostUpdate() |
|+UpdateContent() |
|+GetViewers() |
|+ChangeCategory() |
On posts class you will keep working by linking that Class with Categories and topics classes and so on. beer always in mind that you should think about the relation between all your entities.
Good luck.