How do I get IntelliJ 10.5 (on the Mac) to generate a class diagram showing all of the classes in my project? I'm sure I'm overlooking something obvious, but I can only get the "Show Diagram" feature to show one class at a time. (I also figured out how to add additional classes, but again, only one at a time.)
6 Answers
Use Diagrams
| Show Diagram...
from the context menu of a package. Invoking it on the project root will show module dependencies diagram.
If you need multiple packages, you can drag & drop them to the already opened diagram for the first package and press e to expand it.
Note: This feature is available in the Ultimate Edition, not the free Community Edition.
IntelliJ IDEA 14+
Show diagram popup
Right click on a type/class/package > Diagrams > Show Diagram Popup...
or Ctrl+Alt+UShow diagram (opens a new tab)
Right click on a type/class/package > Diagrams > Show Diagram...
or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U
By default, you see only the classes/interfaces names. If you want to see more details, go to File > Settings... > Tools > Diagrams and check what you want (E.g.: Fields, Methods, etc.)
P.S.: You need IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, because this feature is not supported in Community Edition. If you go to File > Settings... > Plugins, you can see that there is not UML Support plugin in Community Edition.
Now there is an official way to add "PlantUML integration" plugin to your JetBrains product.
Installation steps please refer: