So, I'm trying to write an adder tree in verilog. The generic part of it is that it has a configurable number of elements to add and a configurable word size. However, I'm encountering problem after problem and I'm starting to question that this is the right way to solve my problem. (I will be using it in a larger project.) It is definately possible to just hard code the adder tree, alhough that will take alot of text.
So, I though I'd check with you stack overflowers on what you think about it. Is this "the way to do it"? I'm open for suggestions on different approaches too.
I can also mention that I'm quite new to verilog.
In case anyone is interested, here's my current non-working code: (I'm not expecting you to solve the problems; I'm just showing it for convenience.)
module adderTree(
input clk,
input [`WORDSIZE * `BANKSIZE - 1 : 0] terms_flat,
output [`WORDSIZE - 1 : 0] sum
genvar i, j;
reg [`WORDSIZE - 1 : 0] pipeline [2 * `BANKSIZE - 1 : 0]; // Pipeline array
reg clkPl = 0; // Pipeline clock
assign sum = pipeline[0];
// Pack flat terms
for (i = `BANKSIZE; i < 2 * `BANKSIZE; i = i + 1) begin
always @ (posedge clk) begin
pipeline[i] <= terms_flat[i * `WORDSIZE +: `WORDSIZE];
clkPl = 1;
// Add terms logarithmically
for (i = 0; i < $clog2(`BANKSIZE); i = i + 1) begin
for (j = 0; j < 2 ** i; j = j + 1) begin
always @ (posedge clkPl) begin
pipeline[i * (2 ** i) + j] <= pipeline[i * 2 * (2 ** i) + 2 * j] + pipeline[i * 2 * (2 ** i) + 2 * j + 1];
loops as I initially wanted several arrays generated within thefor
loop, but that doesn't seem to be allowed, so I created one large array instead and indexed it in a complex way. All of this makes me speculate that I'm either doing it wrong or that a generic AT isn't really feasable. – nijoakim