I'm using Tomcat-7.0.33 which has the built-in jsf-implementation Mojarra. Is that right?
I want to move to Apache MyFaces. What i did, to achieve this:
I've removed from /WEB-INF/lib/
- jsf-api-2.1.7
- jsf-impl-2.1.7
Added in /WEB-INF/lib/:
- myfaces-api-2.1.10
- myfaces-impl-2.1.10
- plus the 5 apache commons-jars
So my completly /lib-folder:
- commons-beanutils-1.8.3
- commons-codec-1.3
- commons-collections-3.2
- commons-digester-1.8
- commons-logging-1.1.1
- gson-2.2.2
- jstl-1.2
- myfaces-api-2.1.10
- myfaces-impl-2.1.10
- prettyfaces-jsf2-3.3.3
- primefaces-3.4
I'm using Eclipse 4.2 (Juno). I've cleaned the Tomcat-Server.
When i request one of my pages, everything looks fine (even the source). But my Managed-Beans does not work. Seems that JSF don't register/find them.
I guess i don't need to post my faces or beans here, because with mojarra it works fine.
JAR files. If Tomcat had it builtin, you wouldn't have the need to provide any JSF JAR. – BalusC