
I am try to add richfaces to my jsf project. My IDE is Eclipse Helios, Tomcat 6. I had my project setup as Dynamic web project, configured with JSF 1.2 (Mojarra JSF API Implementation), added jsf-facelets.jar, jstl-api-1.2.jar, jstl-impl-1.2.jar to web-inf/lib.

I have a page masterPage1.jsp, it runs fine before adding richfaces library to web-inf/lib. After I added richfaces-api-3.3.3.final.jar, richfaces-impl-3.3.3.final.jar, richfaces-ui-3.3.3.final.jar, commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar, commons-collections-3.2.1.jar, commons-digester-2.1.jar, commons-logging-1.1.1.jar.

The "Palette" doesn't show Richfaces or Ajax4Jsf libary. Also I following code in web.xml

  <display-name>RichFaces Filter</display-name>
  <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

Thanks all.


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