I am struggling with implementing PayPal's Instant Payment Notifications. I do get a IPN request from PayPal but it just doesn't have the fields PayPal says it would. For instance, there's no "mc_gross", "payment_gross" or "txn_id". How am I supposed to validate the IPN with all these fields missing?
Using the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) simulator on PayPal's Sandbox site yields a totally different IPN (which of course has all the fiels mentioned in the API docs).
I am using the "Adaptive Payments" API and I set it up to perform just a very simple PAY operation (which works fine otherwise). I have been reading posts on SO and the internet all day now but I just can't figure out what's wrong.
Here's a dump of the Request.Params array of my IPN handler (unrelated vars omitted):
payment_request_date => Fri Jan 18 05:50:04 PST 2013
return_url => http://MYHOST/ReturnUrl
fees_payer => EACHRECEIVER
ipn_notification_url => http://MYHOST/PayPal.aspx
sender_email => [email protected]
verify_sign => AoIh-cQwnxZ7nSmfalIL7L182SDTA2JKiIrVnwt.uetdGX.Jw0bG2C1f
test_ipn => 1
transaction[0].id_for_sender_txn => 66X080248E331472D
transaction[0].receiver => [email protected]
cancel_url => http://MYHOST/CancelUrl
transaction[0].is_primary_receiver => false
pay_key => AP-28U75135KE1302901
action_type => PAY
transaction[0].id => 96E03111D3558372G
memo => This is a sandbox test payment
transaction[0].status => Completed
transaction[0].paymentType => SERVICE
transaction[0].status_for_sender_txn => Completed
transaction[0].pending_reason => NONE
transaction_type => Adaptive Payment PAY
transaction[0].amount => EUR 30.25
status => COMPLETED
log_default_shipping_address_in_transaction => false
charset => windows-1252
notify_version => UNVERSIONED
reverse_all_parallel_payments_on_error => false
Any ideas?