
I'm using the following class to process the IPN data: https://github.com/WadeShuler/PHP-PayPal-IPN (and it has been working fine for ages)

The last successfully processed payment was on September 28, the next IPN payment that came though on October 5 returned a response of INVALID, as has every payment since.

If I test in the IPN simulator, the message processes successfully. Sandbox or Live, the response is INVALID. I would have thought the Sandbox would have a facility where I can review why a message was rejected as INVALID, but that doesn't seem to be the case? Would certainly have been the easy way to see the rejection reason, am I missing something?

The link that brings you to Paypal from my site is:

https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_ext-enter&redirect_cmd=_xclick&[email protected]&item_name=QLD++%28Pacific+pines+secondary+Sat+25th+July+%29&item_number=FYD15000003&custom=0001000003&currency_code=AUD&amount=0.01&no_shipping=1&image_url=http://www.fydentry.com/img/follow-your-dreams-100.jpg&return=http://www.fydentry.com/entry-test.php&cancel_return=http://www.fydentry.com/entry-test.php&notify_url=http://www.fydentry.com/payback-test.php

The data posted back from Paypal is:


The response I send back to Paypal is:


And the code in payback-test.php is:


  use wadeshuler\paypalipn\IpnListener;

  $listener = new IpnListener();
  $listener->use_sandbox = true;
  $dbh = open_db();

  $res = 'UNKNOWN';

  try {
    $verified = $listener->processIpn();
  } catch (Exception $e) {

  if ($verified) {
      $res = "VERIFIED";
  } else {
      $res = "INVALID";

  $stmt_debug = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO fyd_paypal_ipn (post_data, response_data, status, message_time) VALUES (:post_data, :response_data, :status, UTC_TIMESTAMP())');
  $stmt_debug->execute(array(':post_data' => $listener->rawPostData, ':response_data' => $listener->debug_response, ':status' => $res));

Note that for the purpose of this exercise, I also modified the IpnListener class so that I can get a copy of the response for debugging purposes.

At the top of the file in the variable declarations, I made $rawPostData public, and added this variable:

public $debug_response;

And store the value right before we use it:

        $this->debug_response = $req;

        if ($this->use_curl) {
            $res = $this->curlPost($req);
        } else {
            $res = $this->fsockPost($req);

I'm assuming something has changed on the Paypal side to stop this working in the first place, but I can't see what it is, particularly as my response appears to be correct (identical), and I can't find anything in the Sandbox side that helps me identify why it is being regarded as invalid? Unfortunately the debug code at the bottom where I track the IPN post data and response is new, so I don't have an older (working!) set of messages to compare the contents to.

Damb your website needs some serious css work.RRA Webteam
The css is worth every cent my wife paid for it :) Yeah, that's on the "to do" list somewhere.Peter Barton
Good luck and it's a great ideaRRA Webteam

2 Answers


I've gotten to the bottom of it, it appears to be a certificate issue, combined with a script error.

My certificate file was out of date to the one currently in Wade's code. I spotted that and updated the certificate file yesterday. I've now verified that this was the root cause of my original failure.

However, while updating that, I also updated to the latest class - which was really just removing some deprecated code that I wasn't using and is no longer supported, but I missed one small change which broke things.

There's a line in the IpnListener class which sets the certificate location:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/cert/api_cert_chain.crt');

But the directory name ends up wrong on my server, and it can't find the certificate. The previous version of the class read:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, dirname(__FILE__) . '/cert/api_cert_chain.crt');

which worked. Now that I've changed it back, everything works again. Note that the domain I'm working from is set up in a sub-directory to my primary domain, which is possibly why the new code ends up pointing to the wrong place (one level above where I need it to be).

And I'm still confused as to why the IPN simulator worked, while the Sandbox and Live systems didn't.