I'm using the following class to process the IPN data: https://github.com/WadeShuler/PHP-PayPal-IPN (and it has been working fine for ages)
The last successfully processed payment was on September 28, the next IPN payment that came though on October 5 returned a response of INVALID, as has every payment since.
If I test in the IPN simulator, the message processes successfully. Sandbox or Live, the response is INVALID. I would have thought the Sandbox would have a facility where I can review why a message was rejected as INVALID, but that doesn't seem to be the case? Would certainly have been the easy way to see the rejection reason, am I missing something?
The link that brings you to Paypal from my site is:
https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_ext-enter&redirect_cmd=_xclick&[email protected]&item_name=QLD++%28Pacific+pines+secondary+Sat+25th+July+%29&item_number=FYD15000003&custom=0001000003¤cy_code=AUD&amount=0.01&no_shipping=1&image_url=http://www.fydentry.com/img/follow-your-dreams-100.jpg&return=http://www.fydentry.com/entry-test.php&cancel_return=http://www.fydentry.com/entry-test.php¬ify_url=http://www.fydentry.com/payback-test.php
The data posted back from Paypal is:
The response I send back to Paypal is:
And the code in payback-test.php is:
use wadeshuler\paypalipn\IpnListener;
$listener = new IpnListener();
$listener->use_sandbox = true;
$dbh = open_db();
$res = 'UNKNOWN';
try {
$verified = $listener->processIpn();
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($verified) {
$res = "VERIFIED";
} else {
$res = "INVALID";
$stmt_debug = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO fyd_paypal_ipn (post_data, response_data, status, message_time) VALUES (:post_data, :response_data, :status, UTC_TIMESTAMP())');
$stmt_debug->execute(array(':post_data' => $listener->rawPostData, ':response_data' => $listener->debug_response, ':status' => $res));
Note that for the purpose of this exercise, I also modified the IpnListener class so that I can get a copy of the response for debugging purposes.
At the top of the file in the variable declarations, I made $rawPostData public, and added this variable:
public $debug_response;
And store the value right before we use it:
$this->debug_response = $req;
if ($this->use_curl) {
$res = $this->curlPost($req);
} else {
$res = $this->fsockPost($req);
I'm assuming something has changed on the Paypal side to stop this working in the first place, but I can't see what it is, particularly as my response appears to be correct (identical), and I can't find anything in the Sandbox side that helps me identify why it is being regarded as invalid? Unfortunately the debug code at the bottom where I track the IPN post data and response is new, so I don't have an older (working!) set of messages to compare the contents to.