
enter image description here

This is popup that come after hitting on server url.

I uploaded a Enterprise distribution iOS build on a server.Now when we try to download build then following pop up came.I want to replace null field to "[my domain name]".

I got a link on stack overflow for similar problem-

Ad-Hoc distribution prompt message says (null) would like to install {app name}

But in my case problem is arise in both cases either go through (Download) email or directly browse to a webpage which includes the link(server url where build had been uploaded).

Please suggest me solution. Thank you


4 Answers


I resolved this issue.

Issue arise because we use single slace after http:/ in web page where give .plist path.


<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http:/pathToYourServer/folder/applicationName.plist"> here </a>

Now changed, it become-:

<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http://pathToYourServer/folder/applicationName.plist"> here </a>

In instalation prompt domain name take first parameter between :// and /. So carefull when write url.


@Deepak's Answer solves the issue:

<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http:/pathToYourServer/folder/applicationName.plist"> here </a>


<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http://pathToYourServer/folder/applicationName.plist"> here </a>

However be aware that there is a bug in Outlook that does not allow "//" in hyperlinks See Here It is worth noting that you can construct the link in another email program and then send it to outlook. (At the time of this post I lack the rep to add this as a comment)

If you are willing to host a small page to redirect the user to the itms protocol this solution also works (if the redirect is modified): Redirect on page load


It's because actual ipa resource file is not available into wireless distribution link. So I think it's configure wrongly the wireless ad hoc distribution link.


You must be trying to download the .ipa directly?

Archive and distribute the application and it will generate two files - one would be the .ipa and another would be .plist.

Now, create an html page on server and place it on server with this html:

Some text about your app:
<a  href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http://pathToYourServer/folder/applicationName.plist">here</a>

So, when user will tap on "here" then it will directly download the app on device.

Make sure to look at my hyperlink because it contains "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&" followed by path to plist file on your server.

Hope it helps.


Reno Jones