I want to use cancan
in order to limit the users that want to view some pages in my application.
so I try to do it by this tutorial: http://www.roberthuberdeau.com/articles/9-Blog-tutorial-part-3
I have two roles: Admin and Worker, and I have two controllers: Tasksadmins and Workers.
I want to define the next thing:
1) Workers can manage and see all the things of the Workerscontroller.
2) Admins can manage and see all the things of the Tasksadminscontroller.
I'm not sure if I defined it correctly:
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
user ||= User.new # guest user
if user.role? :Admin
can :manage, :tasksadmins
elsif user.role? :Worker
can :manage, :workers
the next thing that I think I don't need to implement is: "the def initialize user bit is for guest users." I force the users to sign_in with: before_filter :authenticate_user
the next thing is: start restricting access to the blog application based on user role:
I don't know what and where I should write.
in the example, he wrote:
authorize! :edit, @article
so I tried to write the next followings in the tasksadmins controller:
authorize! :edit, @tasksadmins
authorize! :new, @tasksadmins
authorize! :index, @tasksadmins
authorize! :create, @tasksadmins
authorize! :show, @tasksadmins
authorize! :destroy, @tasksadmins
but I got an error: undefined method 'authorize!' for TasksadminsController:Class
please help me, I'm in the end of the definition of cancan