I am using Devise and CanCan to manage users and user-rights. What I want is: Ordinary users shall be able to update their own Posts. The most important Model is called Activity.
In the ability-model I have for ordinary members:
elsif user.role? :Member
can :read, :all
can :create, :all
can :manage, Activity, :user_id=>user.id
(Thanks to Yuriy Goldshtrakh for the syntax of the third line)
In the index-view of the Activities, I have:
<% if can? :update, activity %>
<br />
<%= link_to 'Update', edit_activity_path(activity) %>
<% end %>
<% if can? :delete, activity %>
<%= link_to 'Delete', activity, :confirm => 'Really?', :method => :delete %>
<% end %>
This works: It only shows the update and the delete-link, if the Activity was created by the current member.
However, if the member updates the activity, the changes are not saved and the member is not sent back to the activity - as he/she should be after a successful update.
Here is the update-action in the Activities-controller:
# PUT /activities/1.xml
def update
authorize! :update, @activity
@activity = Activity.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
if @activity.update_attributes(params[:activity])
format.html { redirect_to(@activity, :notice => 'Activity was successfully updated.') }
format.xml { head :ok }
format.html { render :action => "edit" }
format.xml { render :xml => @activity.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
The question is: Why ist the activity not updated correctly? I am grateful for all ideas!