You need several things to make it work:
- An ability to count the number an item is repeated in a list
- An ability to remove all elements matching a value from the list
- An ability to conditionally increment a number
Here is how you can count:
count([], _, 0).
count([H|T], H, R) :- count(T, H, RT), R is RT + 1.
count([H|T], X, R) :- H \= X, count(T, X, R).
Deletion can be done with SWI's delete/3
predicate; this is a built predicate.
Adding one conditionally requires two rules - one when the count equals one, and another one for when the count does not equal one.
add_if_count_is_one(H, T, RT, R) :- count(T, H, 1), R is RT + 1.
add_if_count_is_one(H, T, R, R) :- count(T, H, X), X \= 1.
Finally, counting pairs could look like this:
num_pairs([], 0).
num_pairs([H|T], R) :- delete(T, H, TT),
num_pairs(TT, RT),
add_if_count_is_one(H, T, RT, R).
An empty list has no pairs; when an item is counted as part of a pair, its copies are removed from the rest of the list.
Here is this running program on ideone.