I'm trying to build my own toolchain for an Raspberry-Pi. I know there are plenty of prebuilt Toolchains. This work is for educational reasons. I'm following the embedded arm linux from scratch book. And succeeded in building a gcc and uClib so far. I'm building for the target arm-unknown-linux-eabi.
Now that it comes to preparing a bootable filesystem i'm questioning myself about the bootloader build.
The part about the bootloader for this System seems to be incomplete. Now I'm questioning myself how do I build a uboot for this System with my arm-unknown-linux-eabi toolchain.
Do I need to build a toolchain which doesn't depend on linux kernel calls. My first reasearch lead me to the point that there are separate kind of tool chain the OS dependent (linux kernel sys-calls etc...) and the ones which don't need to have a kernel underneath. Sometimes refered to as "Bare-Metal" toolchain or "standalone" toolchain.
Some sources mention that it would be possible to build an U-Boot with the linux toolchain. If this is true why and how should this work?
And if I have to build a second toolchain for "Bare Metal" Toolchain where can I find informations about the difference between these two. Do I need another libstdc?