i'm going to compile kernel for my aarch64 based device
kernel sources are ready.
and kernel docs are saying that i should use arm-eabi-4.9 toolchain for ARM EABI for compilation kernel.
but what is it? different type of GCC compiler or what?
is it same as GCC 4.9 ?
why i want to know this because i want to make some modifications into compiler so how can i build arm-eabi-4.9 toolchain for ARM EABI from source ?
i have made some research on the net but i found building process of gcc 4.9 and some info about arm-none-eabi..
i have made modifications originally on top of GCC 4.9 this
can i use this sources and then building GCC 4.9 toolchain for arm,aarch64 ---> and then building kernel with using this toolchain ?