I seem to have written myself into an infinite loop, either that or that Modelsim does not know what to do with the conditions in this while loop:
i = 0;
while(i < 8'b01100100 && !(mem[i] == RC)) begin
i <= i + 1;
simulation just cannot get past the conditional line in this while loop, can anyone point to what I am doing wrong?
-edit: the part of the code that holds the while loop:
//if remove credential enable is high
if(RCE == 1'b1) begin
$display ("%d", RC);
$display ("%d", mem[i]);
$display ("%b", !(mem[i] == RC));
while(i < 8'b01100100 && mem[i] != RC) begin
i <= i + 1;
if(i < 8'b01100100) begin
mem[i] <= 24'b111111111111111111111111;
end else begin
//do nothing
i = 0;
end else begin
//do nothing
this part is inside of an always block with the sensitivity list of posedge clk and posedge rst.
? Can you post the whole file if it's not too large? – Timi = 0;
is this meant to be there. For synthesis you should be able to unroll your loops, I do not see how this would work in your current code. – Morgan