
I'm building an artgallery using Page Manager and Panels in Drupal 7.

A piece of art in the gallery is a node type and each one is related to a period of time, which is also a node type.

When viewing a page displaying a period of time, I need a link that takes the user to all the pieces of art relating to that period of time.

So I have made a view, that uses the nodeid of a timeperiod as a contextual filter, and gets all the artwork nodes, that are related to that particular timeperiod node.

The question is, when on the page for the timeperiod, how do I grab the nodeid of that particular timeperiod and dynamically generate a link to a page where the current nodeid is passed as an argument? (So that the correct pieces of art are fetched with the view).

Which template are you trying to get the node id in to? Page.tpl.php?Rawkode
Have a look at the Entity Reference module, it will formalise the relationship and provide the links to the referenced content out of the boxClive

1 Answers


You can use arg(1) in a piece of custom code to get the current node id (but only if it is a node you're on). See http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21bootstrap.inc/function/arg/7. For instance you could easily embed your view in a template of your choice or a within a theme function like this:

views_embed_view('name_of_your_view', 'display_name', arg(1));

where the third parameter is the argument, the node id of your current (timeperiod) node. See http://api.drupal.org/api/views/views.module/function/views_embed_view/7.

To just place a link on that timeperiod node to that page (generated by your view) you would probably use a preprocess function in conjunction with a template (print if set). The possibilities there are uncountable, so you might need to provide further informations, where to place the link. But basically it can be achieved by using `arg(1)'.