
In my iOS application using MapKit I would like to use only pinch (not double tap) for zooming. I set zoomEnabled=NO, add pinch gesture recognizer and try to manually set map region coresponding to current pinch size. The problem is that map only displays some zoom levels so I'm unable to achive proper zoom effect. I would appreciate any idea. Thank you.

As far as i know, zoomEnabled=NO will DISABLE the pinch gestures to zoom in and out of the map. You want to recognize the pinch level manually? I don't think you need to set zoomEnabled to NO.Malloc

1 Answers


I'd go the other way. Rather than disabling zoom and then rewriting it, why not add a double tap gesture recogniser and make it do nothing. But then again, why would you take that feature away from users? If someone doesn't have the manual dexterity to pinch but they can double-tap, you'll have broken the map for them.