So I have a MATLAB program that I made and compiled in Matlab R2011b. Now I want to distribute the compiled version. I understand the user will have to install MCR on their computers to run my program. My question is: will it make a difference if this user already has some other version of MATLAB installed on his system. I checked MATLAB help and this was written
"Windows. To run deployed components against the MCR install, mcr_root\ver\runtime\win32|win64 must appear on your system path before matlabroot\runtime\win32|win64.
To run deployed components against the MCR install, mcr_root\ver\runtime\win32|win64 must appear on your system path before matlabroot\runtime\win32|win64.
If mcr_root\ver\runtime\arch appears first on the compiled application path, the application uses the files in the MCR install area.
If matlabroot\runtime\arch appears first on the compiled application path, the application uses the files in the MATLAB Compiler installation area."
So does each user has to change his system paths as instructed or will my program work even without this change?