
I would like to run a file that has been made executable for LINUX platforms through Matalb2013a.

The program requires that user install the MATLAB runtime libraries so I've downloaded the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) for the release 2013a.

I've installed it and I've added the path both to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and to XAPPLRESDIR how suggested during install.

However when I Run

sh run_PROGRAM.sh /usr/local/MATLAB2013a/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v81 
/INPUT_FILE/HG00096.chr21.txt /INPUT_FILE/FinalHG00096.chr21.samjustMut.sam 

it returns

Setting up environment variables
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is .:/usr/local/MATLAB2013a/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v81/runtime/glnxa64:
run_PROGRAM.sh: 1: eval: ./PROGRAM: Permission denied

What does it means? Where I'm wrong? Please help


2 Answers


Try to do the following....

sudo chown your_linux_username:your_linux_username the_executable_matlab_file


chmod +x the_executable_matlab_file

What we are doing here is basically changing the user and group permissions of that particular program to belong to you and in the next step we are letting linux know that this particular program is actually allowed to run as an executable.

If this still does not work then paste the result of the following command:

ls -lah | grep the_executable_maltab_file


It simply means that you don't have rights to run PROGRAM. What is the output of the command:



Maybe you've compiled this program as a root? Try to change the access using chmod.