I add new line character ' ' between two string in xslt file like this:
test test1
Output is just like this:
But I want output to be just like this:
test test1
Is that possible in xslt?
I think I should talking about why I want this:
the first output doesn't make effect in excel's Alt + Enter's. But when I manually edit xml like output2, it works. also doesn't work.
Extra Explaination
Let's imagine 'test test1' is written inside an excel cell. When i use Alt + Enter inside this and open file with notpead++, i see this cell like this:
test test1
In xslt file I try to replace all "newline" text with " " to make this effect. But when I open this output in notpead i see that:
but I want output to be like that:
test test1

test1` is what you want? – Thomas W
and a literal line feed as the same character. So you shouldn't need to worry about whether your output has a literal line feed or a
. And I don't understand what you mean by "doesn't make effect in excel's Alt + Enter's". How are you feeding the XML input into Excel? – LarsH